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Handle with care – and repair
Choose good-quality products that are made to stand the test of time and don’t be too hasty to replace them, especially when it comes to tech
Longevity is an increasingly important consideration for anyone looking to buy a new product. Choose wisely in the first place – purchasing energy-efficient appliances will benefit the planet and your pocket. Our research uncovers which models to consider, and our appliance running cost tools break down which ones are cheapest to run.
It's also important to take care of what you own and repair what you can – sustainable living involves trying to keep things for the long haul.
Can you fix it?
Yes, you can – with a little know-how. Here we look at some common appliance faults that are fairly straightforward to repair:

What fixes are best left to the professionals? Find out in our repair or replace guide.
Remember, if a product is faulty, take advantage of any manufacturer’s warranty or guarantee. Plus, the new ‘right to repair’ EU law ensures manufacturers are legally obliged to make spare parts available for up to 10 years. This should make the likes of refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers and televisions last longer.
If you do have to throw something away, do it in the right way. See Wise up to waste for more information. For tricky electrical items, follow our guide on how to recycle them.
The entire technology industry seems to be built upon an ongoing cycle of incremental upgrades, which undoubtedly causes harm to the environment. It is driven by our collective desire to own the latest device, by manufacturers promoting the latest models and by digital obsolescence, whereby older models are no longer supported through software updates. The results of digital obsolescence range from annoying (your smart TV no longer accessing all the streaming apps) to unsafe (your mobile not receiving the crucial security support it needs to protect your data).
At Which?, we've got an ongoing programme of work looking at the lifespans of smart products to help consumers make more sustainable and informed decisions. We also want manufacturers to change their approach and ensure longer lasting, more sustainable products are brought to market. Our policy experts are calling for more transparency from smartphone manufacturers on their updates policies, and minimum support periods of at least five years. We also want manufacturers to encourage repair by providing easier access to affordable spare parts and repair tools and to make available repair information. We're looking to influence legislation in both of these areas.
In the meantime, here are some dos and don’ts to lessen your tech's impact:
- Do check how long your tech will last. Use the Which? support calculators for smartphones, tablets, laptops and routers to find out how long your devices will get security updates for.
- Do think about replacing old tech – but do it infrequently. If you are buying a new computer, note that a laptop with an external monitor works just as well as a desktop, but uses far less energy.
- Do consider going second-hand or refurbished. With a bit of know-how and some careful checks you can get yourself a bargain that's better for the planet. Our specialist guides for smartphones, laptops and televisions can help you do this.
- Do look into repairing your device before moving on. Suss out your options for a broken mobile or try some easy laptop fixes yourself. If you aren't confident and would like a helping hand, look up your local Repair Cafe or Restart Party.
- Don't forget to switch things off. When devices are left on standby, they continuously use a small amount of energy, as do things such as laptop chargers if not turned off at the socket.
- Don't overlook smart tech. There’s a real opportunity to use smart home tech to cut your overall energy use, on simple things such as your home’s heating.