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What difference can you make?

Wherever you are on your sustainability journey, there is almost certainly more you can do to reduce your carbon footprint. Work out your own level of harm to the environment – then set an action plan


The best way to set yourself up for sustainability success is to figure out your own priorities. This winter, these might be the things that matter the most to you or the things that will make the biggest difference – or likely a combination of the two. It can feel tricky to know which of the easy wins and bigger habit changes will be most effective, but there are ways to work it out.


Your carbon footprint at a glance


When people talk about carbon footprint Carbon footprintThe amount of carbon dioxide (or the equivalent in other greenhouse gases) released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of an individual or organisation they’re referring to how much a person's actions and lifestyle affects the environment. It’s not visible like a footprint in the sand, but everyone has one. The energy you use at home contributes to this footprint, as well as the food you eat and the products you buy. At some point along the line, all these will have contributed to CO2 Carbon dioxide (CO2)A gas that occurs naturally in the Earth’s atmosphere and is also the main greenhouse gas produced by human activities emissions. 


If you're ready to reduce your footprint, you can find lots of guidance on our website to get started.


Wondering about what you can do to have the biggest impact? Take a look at where the emissions of the average UK household come from – chances are, your family's footprint is similar.


Your carbon footprint in detail

To work out your personal environmental footprint, visit the WWF website and answer some simple questions. Find out how your own carbon footprint compares to the UK average and get advice on how to improve it. It’s a great place to start and may be the stimulus that encourages you to embark on a new path that involves more Earth-saving acts.

Of course, every household is different, and people have their own thoughts about what change is achievable. Energy-efficient appliances, for instance, save money in the long term, but are not affordable to everyone yet. Meanwhile, not everyone will want to switch to a plant-based diet. However, if we all make a few small changes and recognise the impact of our collective actions, there’s every reason to feel hopeful for our planet’s future.

It's good to talk

At Which? we understand the power of conversation in helping each other to live a little bit more sustainably. It's why colleagues from across Which? have shared their top tips to encourage each other to take small steps in the right direction. 

What changes have you already made? What would you recommend to others? What's next on your list? What would you like Which? to help with? 

Share your story and join the conversation.

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