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If you want to take better care of the planet, take a stand when it comes to plastics and waste. And when you can’t refuse, always try to reuse
According to Defra, Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra)The government department responsible for safeguarding the natural environment, supporting food and farming industries, and sustaining rural economies around 27m tonnes of the UK’s waste each year is generated by households. Following on from the fact that we tend to over-consume products, it goes hand in hand that we also create too much waste, which often reaches landfill before the end of its lifecycle. Whether it’s the desire to always own the latest gadget or follow the up-to-the-minute fashion trend, consumers replace perfectly usable items and throw away their rejects.
Additionally, it’s estimated that the average person throws away over 1,000 plastic items a year, which works out at about 19 a week. It’s not always the individual’s fault – sometimes there’s little choice and single-use plastic ends up in your home – but as this is all contributing to environmental harm, we need to change our ways.
Fortunately, there are four simple words – refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle – that are not only easy to remember, but if applied they can make a big difference to our carbon footprint. Carbon footprintThe amount of carbon dioxide (or the equivalent in other greenhouse gases) released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of an individual or organisation
So do your utmost to avoid using single-use plastic, reduce plastics in everyday use and replace them with alternatives, and try to reuse any plastic items and recycle items correctly. It’s pretty simple, but very effective.