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Where our energy comes from and how we use it are big problems for the planet. Industry and individual action are required to reduce impact
It’s estimated that the average UK household emits 2.7 tonnes of CO2 Carbon dioxide (CO2)A gas that occurs naturally in the Earth’s atmosphere and is also the main greenhouse gas produced by human activities per year simply by heating their homes, with a further 0.7 tonnes emitted from their electricity usage. This home-based energy use contributes significantly to environmental harm, with fossil fuels Fossil fuelsNaturally occurring materials such as coal, oil and natural gas that formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms. When burned, they release CO2 into the atmosphere being the main culprit. Even if you feel you’re being efficient with electricity – not putting lights on during the day or not using your tumble dryer when you can hang your washing outside – because 43% of UK electricity is derived from coal or natural gas, unfortunately you’re still contributing to the destruction of our planet.
It’s alarming, without doubt, but you don't have to settle for this. Choosing to switch to a provider that supports or invests in renewable energy Renewable energyEnergy generated from renewable sources such as biomass, wind and solar can help, as will monitoring and reducing your use of energy-draining products at home. Travel back to the 1970s and the average household owned 12 electrical appliances – today that figure exceeds 40. We may insist that we need a laptop and mobile phone, and perhaps even a coffee machine or electric toothbrush, but it’s up to everyone to use these items more efficiently. If we all get on board, cumulatively the UK would save on vast amounts of wasted energy, which unnecessarily adds to our overall footprint. Are you in?