User guide
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Reporting scams
If you’ve been a victim of a scam, it’s important to report it – but who you notify depends on the type of fraud.
When you’ve experienced a scam – or spotted one – it’s essential to report it, especially to the police so that they can investigate it. Fraud is one of the most common types of crime experiences in the UK, but it is also one of the most under-reported. The Office for National Statistics Crime Survey of England and Wales estimates that there were 3.7 million incidents of fraud in 2022, but 86% aren’t reported.
Reasons for under-reporting
There are many reasons why scams aren't reported: victims of bank account fraud who received their money back from their bank may not think it’s necessary, other victims may not have lost any money or don’t have any faith that the police will do anything about it, or perhaps they are even embarrassed about being duped. Scams can happen to anyone, so you should never feel embarrassed about reporting a scam if you have been a victim. It’s a brave move that could ultimately help you and protect other people.
How to report scams
Here, we explain the best ways to report the main types of scam. You can report any type of scam to Action Fraud or contact your local police. You can also contact Citizens Advice, which will pass information on to Trading Standards so they can take legal action against scammers. Scam texts can be sent on to the National Cyber Security Centre for free on 7726. In Scotland, scam reports can be made to Police Scotland by calling 101.
Reporting bank and credit account fraud
If you notice fraudulent transactions on your account or any other suspicious activity, or you think you have been the victim of identity theft, Identity theftWhere a criminal uses your name and personal information to take out financial products. contact your bank or credit card company as soon as possible. You should also do this if you have been a victim of an ‘authorised push payment’ (APP) scam (see Avoiding banking, credit and debit card scams and How to get your money back), as well as reporting it to the bank receiving the money. Let the banks know the account number you sent the money to, as they may be able to put a stop to the transfer. You can use our free template letter to complain to your bank about APP fraud. If you want to ask your bank for repayment of a disputed transaction, use our letter here.
If the bank or credit card company doesn’t deal with your complaint satisfactorily, you can complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service.
If you've spotted a scam, use our Scam Sharer tool to inform our experts. Reports like this help us keep track of new scams and where they're having an impact. Use our quick questionnaire to share your experience.
Reporting email scams
If you receive what you think is a scam or phishing email, report it to the provider, which can then shut the account down. So, if the message came from a Gmail address, go to the Gmail help centre to report it. If you receive a scam email in your own Gmail account you can report it from within the message by clicking on the three dots on the top right. This will take you to the ‘More’ menu that includes options to ‘Report phishing’ and ‘Report spam’. You can also report email scams to the government's National Cyber Security Centre at
Reporting social media scams
If you think you've spotted a scam on social media, report it to the platform. In Facebook, for example, click on the 'Find Support and Report' link near the content to report it. You can also report to Action Fraud (see above).
Reporting premium-rate phone and postal scams
Scams involving premium-rate phone numbers should be reported to the Phone-paid Services Authority, which is the regulator for goods and services charged to a phone bill. If you receive any post you think is from a scammer, complete the scam mail report on the Royal Mail website and send it to FREEPOST SCAM MAIL along with the item, including the original envelope.
Reporting clone scams
Whether you’ve been contacted by someone pretending to be from a reputable company, or have received an email or visited a website made to look like it’s from a reputable company, such as a bank, report it to the firm being cloned.
Join our Which? Scam Action and Alerts Facebook Group, a community of over 27,000 members sharing intel on the latest scams they’ve seen.
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If you’d prefer to receive our scam alert service via WhatsApp, join our WhatsApp group.