User guide

Finding your way around the guide

To navigate between pages, click or tap the arrows to go forwards to the next page or backwards to the previous one. The arrows can be found either side of the page and at the bottom, too (circled in green, below).





Menu/table of contents

Click or tap on the three horizontal lines in the top-right of your screen to open the main menu/table of contents. This icon is always visible whether you're using a computer, tablet or smartphone. The menu will open on top of the page you’re on. Click on any section title to visit that section. Click the cross at any time to close the table of contents.


Text size

On a computer, you'll see three different sized letter 'A's in the top-right of your screen. On a smartphone or tablet these are visible when you open the menu (see above). If you’re having trouble reading the guide, click or tap on each of the different 'A's to change the size of the text to suit you.



On some images you'll see a blue double-ended arrow icon. Clicking or tapping on this will expand the picture so you can see more detail. Click or tap on the blue cross to close the expanded image.

Where we think a group of images will be most useful to you, we've grouped them together in an image gallery. Simply use the blue left and right arrows to scroll through the carousel of pictures.



If you see a word or phrase that's bold and dark blue, you can click or tap on it to find out more. The relevant website will open in a new tab.



If you see a word or phrase underlined, click or tap on the word and small window will pop up with a short explanation. Close this pop-up by clicking or tapping the cross in the corner.



On a computer, you'll see a question mark icon in the top-right of your screen. On a smartphone or tablet this is visible when you open the menu (see above).

Clicking or tapping on the question mark will open this user guide. It opens on top of the page you're on and you can close it any time by clicking or tapping the cross in the top-right corner.

Expert consumer legal advice

The free advice on our Consumer Rights site gets you in the know on your rights for everyday issues, such as returning faulty items and protecting your personal data. If you need further support, a Which? Legal membership gives you bespoke one-to-one advice on everything from faulty cars and cancelled flights to issues with your employer.

Know your rights

We work with consumers to take a stand against shoddy services. Our free online advice gives you the tools you need to make a claim or get compensation. Visit our Consumer Rights site to find out more. We’ve got tons of free advice, from how to contest a parking ticket to reporting an email scam.



You don’t need a law degree to make a claim

As well as our no-fuss online advice, we have a range of letter templates you can download to help you get what you deserve – whether it’s requesting compensation for a delayed flight or replacing a faulty appliance. Our faulty goods template letter can take the stress out of getting a refund, repair or replacement, with a ready-to-go letter emailed straight to your inbox.

We give clear, step-by-step legal advice

If you need one-to-one advice from a lawyer, then a Which? Legal membership gives members access to legal advice. We’re here to give them the support they need to resolve the consumer problems they face, big or small.



So whether it’s about returning a faulty purchase, getting a refund after a rotten holiday, or knowing your rights if you’re facing redundancy, our qualified lawyers and experienced advisers work exclusively for Which? and are here to help. There’s no maximum number of times you can call or email us if you need help. And if you’ve got family members or partners living at the same address, they can use the service, too. Add Which? Legal to your membership.

Which? Legal covers the following areas of law:

  • Consumer law – problems with products and services you buy

  • Advice on setting up a Power of Attorney (see also Which? Wills and Powers of Attorney)

  • Wills and probate advice

  • Parking fines

  • Holiday rights

  • Employment law for employees working in the UK

  • Tenancy help and advice to private residential tenants and private landlords

  • Civil neighbour disputes including hedges and light

  • Second-hand cars and other motoring issues.


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