User guide
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Evaluating your diet is the first step to eating more sustainably, as well as taking a fresh look at your food waste
When it comes to what we eat, the way our food is produced, the type of food we eat, and the amount of food that goes to waste all has an environmental impact. UK households tend to rely on high-carbon food diets and many supermarket shelves are stacked with unsustainably produced items. However, the good news is that an increasing number of consumers are changing their buying and eating habits and more and more sustainable food choices are available – in both shops and restaurants.
These options mean that reducing the carbon footprint Carbon footprintThe amount of carbon dioxide (or the equivalent in other greenhouse gases) released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of an individual or organisation of your food may be easier and tastier than you think. There are also plenty of effortless, environmentally friendly ways to reduce food waste, which will also save you money. Choosing to eat more sustainably is a healthy decision, for you and the world you live in. Now, what’s for dinner?