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While Which? has a rich heritage of recommending products that last, we have committed as an organisation to build on these solid foundations. As we all face an environmental crisis where consumerism plays a key role, now is the right time for us to do more to build sustainability into everything we do.
We hope that reading about the work we've done to determine our priorities inspires you to figure out your own. From the advice that follows, choose the things that work best for you and for the planet.
This digital supplement includes videos, podcasts and even a quiz, so get stuck in. To get the most out of it, check out the user guide by clicking on the question mark in the top right of your screen – or via the menu button (three lines) if you’re on your mobile.
Please spread the word and forward this digital supplement onto your friends and family. Don't forget to bookmark it yourself, to use it as a reference guide whenever you want to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
In this guide
The UK’s priorities
With the UK government striving to make the country net zero by 2050, challenging goals have been put in place. So what changes are in store for us?
Our priorities
Discover more about the sustainability issues that Which? is ready to tackle, and our five focus areas that we know cause the most environmental harm
What difference can you make?
Wherever you are on your sustainability journey, there is almost certainly more you can do to reduce your carbon footprint. Work out your own level of harm to the environment – then set an action plan
Many UK households buy too much stuff and don’t really use it all. Here’s how you can be more thoughtful with your purchases
Buy less, buy smarter, buy sustainable
Changing a few habits is really all you need to do when you’re purchasing a new product. Here are a few easy ways you can make a difference
Handle with care – and repair
Choose good-quality products that are made to stand the test of time and don’t be too hasty to replace them, especially when it comes to tech
Everyday essentials
Whether you’re buying for the home or your garden, there are lots of ways to make your weekly shop more eco-friendly
If you want to take better care of the planet, take a stand when it comes to plastics and waste. And when you can’t refuse, always try to reuse
Pay heed to plastic
Reducing our plastic footprint requires a combined effort. Here's what we've asked of the supermarkets and what we can do as individuals
Wise up to waste
Aim to send less to landfill, recycle more – once you've got your head around confusing packaging symbols – and even get some cash for your unused or unwanted tech
Evaluating your diet is the first step to eating more sustainably, as well as taking a fresh look at your food waste
Decide what's for dinner
The good news is that you can make mealtimes more eco-friendly without having to compromise on choice or taste
Give food a thought
What should you do with leftovers? It’s time to get creative in the kitchen, and stop throwing away so much food
Where our energy comes from and how we use it are big problems for the planet. Industry and individual action are required to reduce impact
Switch to greener energy
If we all relied on the likes of wind, sun and water for energy, instead of fossil fuels, chances are the future will be a brighter place
Monitor your energy use
You have the power to both save the planet and money, simply by cutting back on your energy consumption
If we all travel less and drive more efficiently – and think more responsibly when it comes to holidays – we can slow down the speed of climate change
You’re in the driving seat
Car owners need to go that extra mile in the fight against climate change – steer yourself towards greener habits
Go with the low
Think it’s time for a clean-up? If you’re in the market for a new or used car, find out which vehicles have the lowest emissions
Gear up to greener driving
After 2030 you’ll no longer be able to buy a new petrol or diesel car, so prepare to get behind the wheel of an alternative
Overhaul your holidays
The world was once our oyster, but then Covid-19 came along and put a stop to travel plans. So is now the ideal time to reflect on your holiday habits?
Your money matters
Did you know that your financial choices can fund or fight climate change? Discover ways you can make sustainable decisions for your money
What we’re doing at Which?
Learn more about our organisational commitments and why we're optimistic about what Which? can achieve
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This publication is not a Which? magazine. It does not constitute advice of any form. It has been produced for general information and interest only. You should take appropriate advice in relation to your circumstances. While every care has been taken in researching the information included in this supplement, no responsibility can be accepted for any inaccuracy or omission, or for any of the information being out of date. The information is subject to change without notification.