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Everyday essentials
Whether you’re buying for the home or your garden, there are lots of ways to make your weekly shop more eco-friendly
Lockdowns and stay-at-home advice during the pandemic has resulted in more households relying on online delivery services. Understandably, everyone wants to stay safe, however, shopping locally is always going to be the more eco-friendly option. Home deliveries not only increase air pollution, but excess packaging can be a problem too – we’ve all received that huge box with only a small item inside. So what can you do to reduce your carbon footprint Carbon footprintThe amount of carbon dioxide (or the equivalent in other greenhouse gases) released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of an individual or organisation while stuck at home?
We're here to help you make sustainable choices when you're shopping this winter. Our guidance can help you work out your impact and how to reduce it. You'll find our advice on buying and living sustainably on our site.
Review your shopping list
Are you prepared to swap your usual washing-up liquid for a brand whose packaging is made from recycled material? Or buy a bottle of laundry detergent once then stock up on refill pouches? Here are some other easy sustainable swaps:
- Choose washing-up liquid that uses surfactants, which remove fat and grease, that are made from renewable plant-based ingredients rather than petrochemical sources.
- Consider buying bamboo toilet paper from a company that pledges to plant a tree for every box sold.
- Swap your normal resealable plastic food bag for a reusable freezer bag that you can pop into your freezer time and time again.
- Try compostable coffee pods that you can add to your garden compost heap once used.
- Ditch your foil and clingfilm and replace them with some versatile beeswax wraps.
- Instead of synthetic nappies, opt for reusable ones containing natural fibres that are sustainably grown and harvested.
- Think about buying laundry detergent that uses less packaging and is made using ethically sourced ingredients.
- Use lemon juice, bicarbonate of soda or vinegar as a natural alternative to harsh chemical cleaning products. Just be careful and check out our tips first – some things could end up damaged by the acidity.
Go green in the garden
As well as eating home-grown fruit and vegetables (see Decide what's for dinner), gardeners can help to combat climate change in lots of other ways.
- Fill your pots, containers and raised beds with peat-free compost.
- Improve the quality of your soil with the help of your own compost bin.
- Support the birds and the bees by using our guides on gardening for wildlife.
- Collect rainfall in a water butt so you use mains water and a hose sparingly.
- Be innovative and find a new use for your household waste, like this: