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If we all travel less and drive more efficiently – and think more responsibly when it comes to holidays – we can slow down the speed of climate change
Road traffic is not only a significant cause of greenhouse gas Greenhouse gasNaturally and human-produced gases, including carbon dioxide, that trap heat in the atmosphere and warm the Earth’s surface, contributing to global warming emissions, vehicle use is also a large contributor to air pollution, which affects the natural world and causes thousands of premature deaths here in the UK. All cars create some level of environmental harm – and their production has an impact on our planet, too.
However, simply by being a more considerate car owner, making small changes such as driving less and driving more efficiently, you’ll help to slow down the speed of the damage. The fact that you won’t be able to buy a new petrol or diesel car after 2030 also means that much greener journeys in hybrid Hybrid carsHybrid cars combine a conventional engine (usually petrol, but diesel hybrids are also available) with electric power. There are three types: mild hybrids, full or 'self-charging' hybrids and plug-in hybrids (PHEVs) or electric cars Electric carA zero-emission car that is powered entirely by a battery-driven electric motor are just around the corner. But why wait? If you need to replace your car, you can get on the road to more sustainable driving today.
As for flying, and travel and tourism, you don’t need to miss out on a well-deserved break. Think responsibly, again, travel less often and discover destinations closer to home – it’s surprisingly easy to make smarter choices and reduce the environmental impact of a holiday.