User guide

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First steps with a new computer

If you're not sure where to start with your new computer, here's where to begin.

  1. Get online
    One of the first steps is to get your computer connected to your home internet. Once your computer turns on, after asking you for some basic information on your time zone and your keyboard layout, it will then ask you to select your home wi-fi Wi-fiThe common name for wireless internet. network (for more on this, see the section Get the internet). Choose yours from the list provided then enter the passcode – this is usually printed on a label on your router. Router A small box that creates a home network, letting you connect to the internet. You’ll normally be sent a router when you start a new broadband contract. Alternatively, you can connect to the internet using an ethernet EthernetThe cable that you can use to connect a computer to your router, as an alternative to using wireless internet. cable if your PC or laptop has an ethernet port. One end of the cable plugs into your computer and the other end into the router. If you don’t yet have an internet connection, we explain how to choose a broadband supplier in the section Get the internetundefined
  2. New computer settings
    Once connected, your computer may download DownloadTo take a file, image or program from the internet and save it onto your computer some updates, and then you’ll need to run through some other settings. Select Express Settings for the default setup if you’re not confident making changes, though you will still have to configure some privacy settings and – with Windows – choose whether or not to use the Cortana voice assistant.
  3. Create an account
    You’ll need to create a user account to log in to a Windows 10 PC. There are two types you can choose from. The first type is a Microsoft account – this is what Windows 10 prefers you to use. If you already have a Hotmail or Outlook email address, you can use this to log in to your computer as a Microsoft account. Otherwise, you can create a new account for free – this will give you a new Microsoft email address. Read more about setting up email in the section Get started with email. Alternatively, you can use something called a Local account. This doesn’t require a Microsoft email address. It’s a simple login for using your computer, although it won’t give you full use of all Windows 10 services, such as logging in to the Windows app App (application)An app could be a game, a calculator or a more complex piece of software. It’s more common to refer to ‘apps’ for smartphones and tablets, and ‘programs’ for laptops or desktops, although Windows 10 uses apps as well as programs. store to download apps. To use a Local account, click Sign in without a Microsoft account, and create a name and password for accessing your PC.

We’ve described the process for getting started on Windows 10, but other operating systems Operating systemThe main software that lets your computer run – Windows 10 is an operating system. should be similar.

Jargon buster

For help with any technical terms used in this guide, click through to our handy jargon buster at the back of the guide.



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